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my greatest worry in a sentencementor, ohio obituaries

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:P. As Laurence stated, we are concerned with the future and success because we are students looking to enter into the world. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Heart" in Example Sentences Page 1 63697 Don't lose heart. On the American side, we responded with long-term concerns and the French responded with short-term concerns. I am sure LOTS of Americans are worried about their jobs in general right now, not necessarily being happy with that job. Nonetheless, both of us want to demonstrate our full potential and prove ourselves to the world. This forum is the most popular so far. B) believe the greatest worry . Are these major concerns in France? (If we were UC Santa Cruz or UCLA, I am sure that we would also have people being concerned with The Surf.). So, it appears to me that things are not actually THAT different between the American and French side. I think that the French ponder a bit more on issues concerning not only themselves, but issues on a more global scale as well. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Most Women | Most Women Sentence You have been honored above most women. Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. Aprs en ce qui concerne les amis, je suis d'accord que c'est une question de degr. Hmm, I seem to be succeeding, as I can't think of it now. These are both controlled completely by one's actions, therefore the French have more control over their 'worth' (though I hesitate to use that term specifically). It's true what Meera said that in the US most people have a "go" mindset and do not sit and relax. De plus, nous sommes dans des coles d'ingnieurs / de technologie la pointe de la science. It is the person (or object) to whom the one giving the command is speaking. I find the comment about Americans being less "altruistic" based on their fears very interesting. But I would think that the French are blunt as well. Do you have any personal worries about you life right now? We had an interesting discussion in class about semantics of the question. I will marry someone who I'm not in love with, On the other hand, other combinations of "worry" may be unnatural and just sound "wrong". 2 International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy Suddently, my heart was full. Although ironically, Americans are stereotypically lazy (i.e. de trouver un emploi. Looking at the French responses closely, I do agree with Mariya that some French students may have interpreted the sentence differently. This may go back to another Forum discussion, which mainly said that our responses could be skewed, since MIT students have a slightly different perspective on work/jobs than Americans in general. I am willing to bet that with our degree one can get into many companies, but actually figuring out what you'd want to do, finding a position that allows you to do that, and then be extremely successful at it, is quite hard. You shouldn't worry about your weight. Or was that a coincidence? I find it very interesting that the French students featured their worries about war, poverty, and famine, along with the threat of U.S. dominance, while the American responses were more introverted. financial situation, suffering and starvation of people around the world, fear that once I get old and look back on my life I realize that it was not what I hoped for. . There is nothing wrong with general answers. Last and greatest of the mammalia are the whales. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. SENTENCE COMPLETION TEST 'Write in your neatest writing, as though you are doing an exam but write down the first. It is shoking that nobody on the American side mentioned anything about the environment and that the great majority of the responses involved the word "I". thing that comes into your head. Sommes nous des tudiants trop gocentriques ou bien avons nous raison de nous proccuper de notre avenir personnel avant de nous occuper de l'avenir de notre socit ? Je pense que nous faisons dj une distinction entre travail et vie prive, et que le choix du mtier n'influe pas trop cette dmarquation ( part certains emplois qui demandent beaucoup de mobilit comme militaire, pilote de ligne, etc). Emmanuel -- I was surprised by how much talk there was about divorce, given that I imagine I am the only student in the class who is married. I think this word comes back to the idea of context, since, as students, our responses logically relate to our future/careers. I agree with Meghan, the United States has always been a land of dreams, where anyone can be successful if they just put their minds to it. "Can you correct my sentence?" should no longer be a question that you'll be asking time and time again especially now that you can make use of online sentence corrector. As you said Meera, most of the American responses were mainly concerned with themselves, while many of the French responses concerned family, friends, and others. In addition, I found it was interesting that a similar number of students talked about their professions/jobs. I think there was also a wide variety of interpreting the question. worry (also: agonize, bait, bother, distress, excruciate, gnaw, harass, harry, importune, infest) volume_up. mon avenir professionnel ainsi que personnel, ma famille et enfin mes amis. I agree with Jovana too that worry and proccuper are two different meanings. We are all always worried about the same things: health, future, people who are close to us. 5 I'm worried about my husband's health. Do different economic situations put a differ stress on finding a job? "I'm sending my love to you and your family." When you send a condolence card to someone, remember they aren't the only one in mourning. picking up on the very pregnant 'might have been' and worried that she was committing the greatest sacrilege the church knows 20. The French responses indicated fears of very specific failures, while the Americans wrote a lot about failure in a general sense. that when I get older I won't be able to do what I want with my life. In fact, it may comfort you to know that many of us tend to worry about the same issues. Sentence Examples. la fin de mes tudes. 1 You look worried. Divorce is very common in the United States -- somewhere nearing half of all marriages end in divorce. The fear of failure is the fear that your efforts and your work ethic won't be enough to succeed. In general, the French are more concerned with the state of the society/world and others (Grand Autre). (Definition of great and worry The greatest confusion and bewilderment prevailed. 3 Huffington Post My heart was full of gratitude and joy. (plural worries) Idioms [uncountable] the state of worrying about something synonym anxiety The threat of losing their jobs is a constant source of worry to them. philanthropy, effectiveness, volunteerism is not being able to survive in this world. I don't think that your answers (the French) are way less general than ours. I also noticed that very few people worried about things other than themselves. We hate the fact that people in US think that MIT is a 'nerdy' place with too much work and very little play, so we subconsciously try to avoid agreeing with attitude. Dans plus de 50% des cas, les lves sont embauchs dans l'entreprise o ils ont fait leur stage ! Est-ce que vous avez une allocation chmage si vous n'tes pas assurs contre le chmage? Simply copy your paper, paste the content into the editing tool and get the results in a flash. 143 66 Its greatest value cannot be hauled off. I think that some of the differences between our responses and those of the French students has to do with a difference in meaning: "ce qui me preoccupe le plus est" can mean "what concerns me most", which is quite different from "my greatest worry is" If we were asked to complete the former sentence, I think we would have seen a lot more common answers. 7. These responses I think, had more to do with the mental consequences of being at MIT and later graduating from MIT. is to get through the programming classes, find time for sleep. It seems that MIT students feel a pressure to "change the world" while the French students are concerned with other global issues such as oil, France, and America's power. Based on the responses, it seems like the French are much more focused on their professional success. I feel that not doing so would result in them feeling unaccomplished and not representative of the education they have received. Examples of Greatest in a sentence. Sentence examples for. I ment to describe a gerneral MIT trend. l'augmentation de l'intolrance. Human trafficking in south-east Europe is giving us the greatest cause for concern and worry. It was also interesting how the ENSEIRB students spoke of their personal concerns, particularly relationships. I agree with Sasha that it is unexpected that MIT students are less concerned with "ses tudes" than their French counterparts. Le commentaire de Zachary concernant la formulation de la phrase en franais et en anglais est intressant car la formulation franais laisse le champ libre toutes les proccupations, quelles soient politiques, religieuses, socitales, etcmais elle n'est pas oriente spcifiquement vers sa situation personnelle. Mais peut tre que l'on a l'impression que les Franais accordenr plus d'importance leur avenir. l'argent, le sexe, devenir clbre avec mon groupe Phonema. 2) Oui, tout le monde est quasiment sur de trouver un travail la sortie de l'cole. To me it seemed like the French responses were short, general phrases (my future, my professional success, politics, my job/school, etc. not knowing what to do when I wake up the next day. A lot of people lead hectic lifestyles and are always trying to get a lot of things done at the same time. Although the American responses seem very worried about the immediate future, part of that perhaps is our age. Example sentences containing worry about from English sources. Do the French agree that the translations differ? Their family has also likely been affected by the loss. For example, it seems a lot of Americans get their news not through reading the newspaper, but online. I feel as though both groups responded with a fear of failure, it was just different in the way it was mentioned. I feel that it would be interesting to see a larger group of people of our age from both countries compleate this survery. Vous posez un peu tous la mme question alors je vais faire une rponse groupe : En France, la sortie d'une cole d'ingnieur on trouve assez vite un travail (certains ont mme des offres avant d'obtenir le diplme !) ", the answer is usually something like "wow, oh my god, I have so much work to do, how am I going to finish it! 2. is that I will not finish everything that I have to do! is not being able to survive in this world. These combinations (for example collocations with "worry") just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. l'avenir des futures gnrations et le droit des animaux, ma carrire professionnelle, Margaret - agreed that MIT answers probably don't match the rest of America. Des deux cts, les proccupations des tudiants sont trs gocentrs et concernent principalement les tudes et le parcours professionnel. The reasons why this would be my biggest fear is as follows. 2/ Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais nous devons effectuer un stage par an (donc 3 stages) de plus en plus long. I'm glad Laurence doesn't assume that we're all egoists based on our answers! The subject of the sentence is implied. In the end, I think most people are worried about their happieness and what will happen to them/their loved ones in the furture. What are some purely personal goals that the French worry about? Sur le fait que les Franais mettent leurs familles, amis, ou autres prcoccupations en avant, je pense ( voir ce que les autres Franais vont rpondre) que c'est tout simplement une coincidence en faveur des Franais mais je ne pense pas que les Amricains soient plus goistes parce qu'ils ont rpondu plus gocentriquement! Using collocations list of "worry" improves . Il est vrai que j'aimerais bien savoir partir de quel degr de relations nous commenons nous proccuper de ceux qui nous entourent ? v. 1. be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy 2. be concerned with 3. disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress 4. be on the mind of 5. lacerate by biting 6. touch or rub constantly. ", cela veut dire "qu'est-ce qui t'inquite? est ma capacit prouver mes comptences pour trouver de bons stages et ensuite un bon emploi. mes amis, Bien sr que la famille et les amis sont importants. finding interesting work that isn't all-consuming. 295 110 Worry had prevented her from eating earlier. to not have control over my own life, to not be able to contribute to this world, to be without friends and family, whether or not I will become the person I want to be. Qu'en est il des divorces aux USA ? 175 71 The greatest lesson I've learned this life is survival. Je suis aussi surpris par les inquitudes montres par mes camarades ! Is there a positive connotation associated with the sentence or do you think there's another reason? Using the word opinion, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? that I do not get to see my family again. Les amricains semblent tous inquits pour leur futur et fin de vie. la restriction des liberts individuelles, la pollution de notre plante, mon avenir, les autres, Or maybe these issues are more widely discussed in France or people keep up with the news more; I hardly ever read the news, so I feel that my concerns are mostly about me, not the society as a whole. It's a bit comforting to know you're not the only one who worries - it's pretty much all the same for everyone. I think that both sides are worried about short-term, but we mit kids are simply less inclined to admit it. c'est diffrent pour ceux qui n'en n'ont pas du tout mais en france nous avons des tudes que nous appellons des tudes professionnelles, des "bac pro" qui permet aux tudiant d'tudier l'cole tout en apprenant un mtier : 2 semaines en entreprise, 2 semaines l'cole.. etc. is that I won't do as well as I need to and I will fail. About 202.7 million Americans ate bagels in 2020; the number is expected to hit 205.3 million in 2024. Vous semblez lgrement plus anxieux sur la recherche d'une travail la sortie de l'cole que nous. My greatest strengths are writing, project management, quantitative research, event planning, budget development, and social media. I was also thinking something similar to Anne. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. A More Formal Definition of Sentence. What I noticed is that this is that type of question that really reveals what MIT has done to people. I really appreciate that that is so accepted/the norm there! Do you think this might be because Americans worry more and are afraid to fail? Mme si c'est triste dire 1/ Je ne pense pas. 574 146 Don't worry about him. (Definition of great and worry Would you agree? But in my greatest test I had failed miserably. Children's parties are the greatest worry. "Yeah, that's not my greatest concern but Biology Base feels a bit cramped ?" 21. . "; "tre proccup " veut dire s'inquiter au sujet de quelque chose; par exemple, la situation conomique nous procuupe, nous inquite, parce que nous ne savons pas de quoi demain sera fait! I think one interpretation would be to jump straight to the differences in the meaning of life, or what "matters" in life, but I think the first question to answer would be how each side interprets the question: I feel like the American students interpret "greatest worry" as something we're scared of, something we fear. Examples of how to use the word greatest in a sentence. Cambridge University Press), Conflicting, positive or strongly held? is not finding a job after graduation. The greatest worry is licensed water for businesses. 146 In my opinion, . We simply chose not to mention this fact too much since we are afraid to admit it. Cependant, quelques tudiants (amricains et franais) ont fait abstraction de leur personne et sont plus proccups par l'avenir de leur pays, de la socit dans laquelle ils vivent ou bien mme de l'humanit. The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (Rotter Rafferty, 1950) is the most well known of the interpretive systems for the sentence completion, with forms for high school, college, and adult populations. On the other hand, Americans, who emphasize individualism more, maybe think more about individual challenges? THE MOST out of everything you are uncertain about (other potential uncertainties being like: grades, jobs, completing obligations, personal success)?? I expected MIT students to be very worried about "mes etudes", but it seems that French students think about it more! Responded with long-term concerns and the French are more concerned with `` ses tudes '' than their French counterparts earlier. Assume that we 're all egoists based on the other hand, Americans are worried about same! Eating earlier what I noticed is that I wo n't do as well success we. Our age from both countries compleate this survery logically relate to our future/careers ), Conflicting positive. 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